Volunteer Registration

The Moose Youth Hockey Association relies on the help and dedication from our families to fulfill volunteer hours throughout the season. These volunteer opportunities help to keep the operating cost down and the experience enjoyable for those visiting our arena. 


Certain duties require a background screening and SafeSport training. Any adult volunteering with Moose Hockey (coaches, team managers, penalty box attendants, etc.) MUST have completed a national level background screening and SafeSport training.

  • If you completed a screening for the 2023-2024 season, you do not need to complete one for 2024-2025.
  • SafeSport has moved to a 12 month renewal schedule, changing from a per season renewal.

2024-2025 Moose Season

Please be sure to have the following completed when registering as a volunteer:

Current USA Hockey Number for yourself, not your skater.

Completed background screen if not completed in the 2023-2024 season.

Completed SafeSport training if expired.

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